My CSC Experience

February 16, 2009

DONE….sorta….kinda….not really….

Another 12 chapters and I am finally complete the readings of CSC-L2 with 8 days to spare.  That is about 4 days more then last time, if I recall correctly.  I am going to take a day or so off to recharge before diving into my study routine.  I will make a quick comment that I found the material a lot more straight-forward in the second volume, then in the first.

I definitely agree that the concepts in volume two build on the pre-established concepts learned in volume 1.  I can’t speak as to which one is easier until I have written both exams, so stay tuned.  In the next 2 – 4 days I will be uploading summary posts of chapter 13 – 23 for the purpose of studying (for me) and for readers.  As I wind up the remainder of the CSC I will also be posting my experiences preparing for CSC-L2, writing exam two, final L2 tips as well as some posts on the CSC overall.  I’ll likely spend a bit of time discussing the course as a whole, as well as transitioning into the CPH blog I have set up and waiting for me.

All that and more coming up very soon, stay tuned!

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