My CSC Experience

March 2, 2009

Advantages of Taking the CSC

Hello all,

I just ran across this video at BNN’s video site, its about the advantages of taking the CSC.  It’s only 2 minutes and its pretty informative.

Check it out.

Hard Link: (

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January 27, 2009

Chapter 3: Review

Disclaimer: Due to copyright laws I am unable to post exact details on the chapter.

The Canadian Regulatory Environment (Weight: 5% — Pages: 25)

Some of the major concepts within this chapter include the regulators, the principles of securities legislation, ethics in trading, public company disclosures and investor rights, takeover bids and insider trading.  This chapter was a change from the past two, even though they share a grouped category.  The emphasis was on security and ethics, and the enforcement of those concepts.  No particular definitions or concepts were hard to grasp, but the overall links between some of the agencies described were at times, difficult.  I found myself drawing a lot of diagrams to sort out who did what in what situation.  The material is not necessarily hard, there is just a lot of it to sort out.

My frustration so far has been the lack of a macro-based approach.  Everything inside the subsections of each chapter is laid out very thoroughly, but I do find that I am constantly trying to find the link between them.  Just taking a micro based approach to this course would likely cost me a re-write fee.


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